Increasing brand awareness by using shopper marketing

  Do you work in retail? If so, you have probably noticed that the term “shopper marketing” is being used more and more lately. But do you know exactly what is meant by it and, above all, what purpose it serves? The term shopper marketing covers various approaches that aim to bring a product closer ….. read more

Romanian Agency FieldStar: Strong & Successful even in times of crisis

According to recent research, despite increased inflation, people are yet to make any changes in spending habits. Holidays, moving house or purchasing a new car are still of interest to shoppers. This is the reason why a fast regeneration of the economy post pandemic was noticed across Europe, especially in developed countries such as the ….. read more

Spain and Shopper Marketing in 2022

As one of the first Spanish companies in the field of POS marketing, the A10 Group are experts in the shopper marketing sector and work closely with their customers to be able to swiftly respond to any changing needs and requirements. The Spanish market, like other European markets, has been and continues to be buffeted ….. read more

Shopper marketing in France

    To give visitors to our website a more accurate impression of all ISMG member agencies, we have identified market insights and trends that are specific to each of our members. In this post we put the spotlight on our French agency, MGS Sales & Marketing in Paris At present, France has one of ….. read more

Shopper Marketing in Food & Drink Retailers

Shopper marketing is a crucial factor in the diversification of the food offer and directly influences consumer behaviour. We are in a time of upheaval. Consumers have never questioned their consumption habits as much as they do today. The pandemic and the resulting discussion about our way of living and consuming is having a noticeable ….. read more

Field marketing as an integral part of the marketing mix

  Field marketing can have a significant influence on purchasing decisions and, when used intelligently, makes a major contribution to increasing sales and the success of retailers. The areas targeted by field marketing are the retailer itself, the immediate surroundings of the store and other public spaces. Any place that has a connection to the ….. read more

Guiding buyers with Shopper Marketing

Shopper marketing offers the opportunity to approach consumers directly. On a well-defined customer journey, advertisers can target consumers in order to offer products that potential customers need or want. Most purchase decisions are made once the customer is standing directly in front of the shelf. Therefore, it is essential to develop and apply marketing strategies ….. read more

How brands can face the crisis with shopper marketing

In times of crisis the survival of your brand can be dependent on the decisions you make. In unstable times the effects of market inequalities can become even more significant, as most of the world is currently experiencing with the state of emergency brought by Covid-19. In response to tough infection-control measures many companies have ….. read more